Enhancing policy cohesion for institutional consolidation and societal development in Kosova and beyond.
A developed region where societies are main contributors guided by the common shared values.
We provide an essential expertise to fill the gap in ensuring the development standards in the area of intervention through Fast Facts Approach, Analysis and Op-Eds, Social Behaviour Change Communication Tools, Advocacy and Social Inclusion for Development.
Strategic orientation
What brings us closer to our long-range vision?- Institutional and Inter-Institutional Development Trends
- Regional and Cross-Border Cooperation
- EU Integration Initiatives for Sustainable Development
Target Strategic Groups
Who do we work with to get there?- Local and central government institutions
- Individuals and particular interest groups at local level, especially: youth, women and other vulnerable groups
- Civic, Education, Cultural, Environment, Health and Business society sectors
- Regional partner organisations
Programs & activities
RID organized information/presentation sessions and lectures/debates with pupils of the economic high school in the village of Llabjan - the only high school for Albanian pupils in the municipality of Novobërdë.
The overall goal of activities was to inform and encourage pupils, the new generation of this area, to find common ground in improving and advancing cultural diversity in the country where they live through certain topics, and through concrete examples. This has been proven to be achieved through the involvement of municipal institutions, high school pupils and civil society representatives.
The specific purpose of activities was to promote non-formal education for high school pupils in the Municipality of Novobërdë through lectures and public debates related to:
- Human rights
- Leadership
- Advocacy and lobbying
- Communication skills
- Development of debating skills techniques
- Improving of public speaking skills
This project was implemented within the project ‘VIS Effect on non-formal education of youth in the Municipality of Novobërdë’, with the support of the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports.